About Us
WILMa is the Erasmus-Initiative for Leipzig. We are a team of motivated volunteers who want to help international (exchange) students to enjoy their stay in Leipzig. We offer trips to interesting cities and other places in the region, offer regular sports and theatre meetings, and organize other events for international students in the upcoming semester.

We organize events of different kinds for international students to get to know each other, the region and German culture. However, you don’t have to be an exchange student to join our events. Please see our calendar and our social media channels for announcements and detailed information.
You like meeting new people from all over the world? You like to organize trips and events with a nice team? You want to help international students to get to know Germany a little better? Come by and join us at one of our trips or our regular meetings.We also meet up with other initiatives and are regulary participating in events from the DAAD. You can also learn more about local Erasmus-Initatives by following the link below (courtesy of the German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD).

You want to join our team?
Contact us via mail or social Media. Alternativly you can also join us for our weekly meetings, where we organize new events. Every calendar week, Mondays, 7PM – 8PM, Seminargebäude, Room 111, Universitätsstraße 1, 04109 Leipzig.