

 Come join us for some fun  and meet new friends!

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Volleyball WILMA (Every Friday)

Our volleyball meet-up is finally back!
Every Friday we meet at “Ernst-Grube-Halle” at 5pm.

👟Please bring your own gym sneakers and sportswear! Changing rooms are avaible.
🚋 The best way to get there is by taking TRAM 1 or 2 till “Marschnerstraße” or TRAM 3, 7, or 15 till “Sportforum Süd”
See you there! 🏐

Event Calendar

Click on our calendar to see all upcoming events.

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Who can join our Events?

In general, everybody is welcome, and you don’t have to be an (international) student to join our events. For the events with limited places, international students get priority, but if we still have places left, we will gladly take you with us. So come by and have some fun.

Who are we?

WILMA is the Erasmus-Initiative for Leipzig. We are a team of motivated volunteers who want to help international (exchange) students to enjoy their stay in Leipzig. We offer trips to interesting cities and other places in the region, offer regular sports and theatre meetings, and organize other events for international students in the upcoming semester.  You can learn more about us here. Hier kannst du mehr über uns erfahren.


Contact us via mail or social Media. Alternativly you can also join us for our weekly meetings, where we organize new events. Every Monday, 5PM – 6PM, Seminargebäude, Room 320, Universitätsstraße 1, 04109 Leipzig.

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